Sacrifice of kunti Story in English

Kunti's renunciation

 The Pandavas were traveling from here to there with their mother Kunti.  He was dressed as Brahmins.  They used to eat begging and used to sleep under the tree at night.  What a wonderful play of fate and time.  Those who are partners of the Pandava Hastinapur state and who are able to do the whole world in their own fists, today they have to live on alms.

 It was after noon.  The Pandavas were moving along the path of the forest with their mother Kunti.  Suddenly, he saw Ved Vyas ji.  Kunti ran and fell at the feet of Ved Vyas ji.  Holding his feet, wept bitterly.  He told them his whole story while washing his feet with his tears.

 Ved Vyas ji gave patience to Kunti and said, "Nothing will happen by shedding tears. Whatever is above, bear it patiently. When the good days come, then everything will be alright. Come on, come with me. I will give you a place."  I am telling you. Stay there for a few days and cut the time. "

 Ved Vyas ji took the Pandavas to a city.  The name of that city was Ekchakra.  In today's Bihar state, there is a big city called Aara in Shahabad district.  In the Mahabharata period, Ara was called by the name of Ekachakra.  In those days only Brahmins resided in Ekachakra.  Ved Vyas ji moved the Pandavas in a circle.  The Pandavas resided in the house of a Brahmin.  The five brothers used to go for begging every day.  He used to live his life with the food which was found in alms.

 In those days, in a circle, a monster was spreading terror in big swing.  The name of that monster was Buck.  He used to hide in the forest during the day.  Used to go out in the night and enter a circle.  Whoever found it, used to kill.  Only one person had an account, but the lives of fifteen and twenty men used to go daily.  After all, the residents of Ekchakra made an agreement with Buck - every day a man of the city would automatically approach Buck and Buck would kill him and eat him.  Only one person will die, those who are killed in vain will be saved.

 Buck also accepted this agreement.  When he got food sitting and sitting, what would he do if he did not accept the agreement?  Accepting the agreement, he had warned that if the agreement was violated, he would dislodge the Ekkra and mix it in the soil.  Just from the same day, a man from a house started going to Buck, after eating it, Buck started to calm his anorexia.  Coincidentally, one day it was the turn of the Brahmin's house, in whose house the Pandavas resided with their mother.  It was past midday.  Kunti was sitting in her room.  On that day Bhima did not go to beg for any reason.  He was also present inside the room, near Kunti.

 Suddenly, the sound of someone crying came in Kunti's ears.  That voice of crying and mourning was coming from the room of the Brahmin, in whose house she was staying.  When this sorrowful voice of lamentation was not heard from Kunti, she went to the Brahmin's room.  She came in silence from what she saw there.

 There were only three beings in the family of Brahmin - Brahmin-Brahmin and his young son.  All three were crying out loudly, "Hi, hi, what will happen now? Now everything will remain together in the soil."

 Seeing the three crying, Kunti asked the Brahmin, "Vipravaar, why are all three of you crying like this? Can I know which Darun suffering has made the three of you extremely sad?"

 The Brahmin replied by dropping tears from his eyes, "Sister, what will you do after listening? Our suffering is such a pain that no one can overcome."

Sacrifice of kunti Story in English continue... 

 Kunti said in a sympathetic voice, "We are poor Brahmins. True, we cannot overcome your suffering, but still what is the harm in listening? May be, we may get some help from you."

 When Kunti made a lot of request, the Brahmin told her the whole story of the Buck demon.  He sighed as he told the story, "Sister! We are only three beings. If one goes to a demon, he will kill it and eat it. Our house will be destroyed. So we think that all three of us have possessed the demon."  We will go. We are crying because today the lives of the three of us will come to an end. "

 Kunti was saddened to hear the Brahmin story of Karun.  She kept thinking in her mind for a few moments, then said, "Viprawar! I say one thing, listen to him carefully. I have five sons. Today I will send one of my sons to the demon on behalf of your family. If  The monster will eat my son, even then my four sons will remain. "

 The Brahmin was stunned after listening to Kunti.  He had heard a lot of stories of philosophers in philanthropy, but today he first heard the matter of giving a son.  He looked towards Kunti and said, "Sister, you are getting known to be the Goddess of heaven. I am proud that a goddess like you is a guest in my house. You are revered for me. I am your guest."  If I take redemption, I will not be able to do this wrongdoing. I will disappear, but I will not allow the guest to suffer. "

 Listening to the Brahmin, Kunti said, "You have done a great favor to us by giving us shelter. You are our benefactor. Our religion is to not let you get in trouble. You want to follow your religion, but we have to follow your religion  Why stopping? "

 When Kunti made a lot of request, the Brahmin agreed to her.  He said in a soft voice, "Good sister! God bless you."

 Kunti got up from Brahmin and went to Bhima.  He told the whole story to Bhima and said to him, "Son, there is no religion other than charity. You go to the bank from the Brahmin family. If the bank will kill you and eat, I will be happy that my son is on the altar of charity.  Sacrifice done. "

 Bhima accepted his mother's orders with great pleasure.  He said, "Mother, your command is obedient. What will the bak eat and kill me, with your blessings I will add it to the soil."

 It was evening time, Bhima loaded food and drink on top of a car and pulled it and started walking towards Buck's residence.  When he reached Buck's residence, he started eating the food items loaded on the cart himself.  Buck got angry.  He said thundering, "One you have come late and you are eating my food from above?"  After saying this, he broke down on Bhima.  Bhima was already ready.  Wrestling started in both of them.  The atmosphere resonated with the words of both roaring and choking.  Buck tried hard to beat Bhima in a fight, but he did not succeed.  He himself came under the grip of Bhima.  Bhima dropped him to the earth, pressed his throat so loudly that his tongue came out.  He became mortal.  Bhima picked him up and threw him near the city gate.

 On the other hand, in the evening, the four brothers returned from begging, so they were very sad to hear everything from Kunti.  He told his mother, "You did not do well by sending Bhima alone. We brothers are the only ones who are useful in times of crisis."

 Kunti, while explaining to her sons, said, "Why do you worry? You will see that my Bhima will join Buck in the mud."

 Then the four brothers went to find Bhima.  They had just gone a little way that Bhima was seen swinging in his fun.  The four brothers ran and hugged Bhima.  Bhima tells them how he has brought the tyrannical Buck to hell.

 Bhima reached home and touched his mother's feet.  He said, "Mother, with your blessings, I killed the bank. Now the residents of Ekchakra are freed forever."

 Kunti kissed Bhima's face and said, "Son Bhima! I had the same hope from you. That is why I sent you to the bank."

 At dawn, Ekchakra residents saw Buck lying dead at the city gate.  Where he was pleased, he also wondered - who killed Buck?  Did the Brahmin?  The residents of Ekachakra ran and ran to the Brahmin's house.  In a short time a large crowd gathered at the door of the Brahmin.  The earth and sky began to resonate with the Brahmin's zenad.

Sacrifice of kunti Story in English continue... 

 The Brahmin calmed the crowd and said, "Brothers, I have not killed Bak. He has been killed by the son of a Brahmin who is staying in my house."  The residents of Ekachakra knew that Bak was slaughtered by a son of a Brahmin who lives in a Brahmin's house, but even after trying hard, they could not know who a Brahmin is and who his five sons are?

 But even knowing this, it happened that the residents of Ekchakra started paying great respect to the Brahmin and his sons.  The Brahmin himself also began to feel proud that the Brahmin whose son has freed the residents of Ekchakra forever and ever, remains in his house as a guest.


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